I know it has been a while since my last post and there is no real excuse for it other than life in general (and a heavy dose of Call of duty Black ops) taking up my time. But in the last few days I have been reading up on a few of the blogs I like to follow and I noticed a really good article on DVM (Death Valley Mag) that kind of goes along with what I have been doing the last couple of years. Taking on your debt while preparing for disaster. I am not going to copy what he wrote over there (if you want to read it go here) but he basically says quit preparing for the apocalypse if you are not prepared for next Thursday, meaning pay off your bills and have your financial affairs in order as well as your household affairs if the SHTF. Because quite frankly at some point life will go on after most disasters and many of the debt holding companies will still be trying to collect what is owed to them.
Credit card companies still collected from displaced individuals after Katrina, they didn't pass them any breaks. Their computer are stored in bunkers to withstand all but full nuclear fallout so they will have their info on hand even after many major disasters. And it is a fairly smart idea to be prepared in all ways, not just with food or guns or water (besides think of all the survival gear you can buy if you have no debt) but to have no debts other than normal monthly utilites, at that point you are free if disaster strikes to get your household back in order.
The methods outlined in the article for becoming debt free are definitely different than those preached by Dave Ramsey but they both outlay the same goal with the same final outcome: Freedom from the opression of debt for those who can follow the path (I am working towards it, and one day I WILL get there) and continue along that path once the debt has been eliminated.
Stay thrifty and concious of your choices. Till next time.
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