I am a father to two great kids, a husband to the most wonderful girl I have ever known and an overall weird person. Not weird in the sense that I go out of my way to be different from the flock, but in the way that I just stand out above the flock. I do not like to be led around, I do not like to be told how I should live my life, and I do not like to be told how to think or what to believe... I am the wolf that stalks the flock, chasing the sheep from my domain. I try to keep an open mind to all issues and work around the close minded people that you get saddled with day to day.
I am currently out of work, thus giving me the time to express myself in new venues while I hunt for work.
I am religious to the extent that I believe there is a god, I believe many of life's answers lie in the bible and that God was the creator of the planet and life. But I do not believe in organized religion, I do not believe that I should have to follow a religious zealot to find the path to heaven. Many churches preach that you have to be tolerant of others and you need to lead others unto them, unto the lord only to watch how intolerant they are of people with the slightest difference in opinion unto their views.
Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths..
Courage: A short life lived Courageously is better than a long life lived in fear. http://www.wickedjester.com/
While I do not believe in things such as the Zombie apocalypse of 2012 I do believe in preparedness and readiness for any situation. I am a FIRM believer in the 2nd Ammendment to the Constitution and in our right to keep and bear arms. I read books on survival, preparation and surviving in the face of a disaster (sorry but I just dont trust our governments ability to assist in times of need.. I.E. look at the screw up during Katrina)..