Sunday, December 5, 2010

Night Out

Even when you are cracking down and working on getting everything in line in your budget, you will need a reprieve. For some it is going to the movies, out to dinner, out with friends or even a weekend mini-vacation. These are a totally necessary thing or you will wear yourself down and not want to continue with your plan (unless you are an uber focused and totally dedicated individual who can go without a relax period) but most people need a break. It is not a deal breaker or even a bad thing to have some fun while working on getting out of debt but just like everything else you need to plan for it. It has to be in your budget and you can't go over the amount you set aside for it.

In my budget this category is called "blow money" and I allot the family enough to go out about 1 or 2 times a month and have some fun. And it doesn't always cost a ton of money. Sometimes you can go out even if you do not have a lot of money to spend in that category you just have to plan what you are going to do.

Tonight for instance I met up with some friends and we headed to Roosters for wings and beer (I didn't drink as I was DD) and then headed back to a buddies house to play Xbox Kinect Total night expenditure was $30 for me and that was being nice and leaving a good tip since it is Christmas season. On top of getting off with just the cost of my dinner we had a total blast playing the Kinect and even got some exercise with that thing.

Being on a written plan does not mean that you cannot live your life and have fun, it just means that you have to be smart about it and not break the bank heading to the casino with your entire paycheck expecting to break it rich. And just like with everything else, look into what you want to do first, there may be a coupon for your favorite restaurant or a deal to go to the movies. Sites like  or can net you discount and deals.

So go out, have a drink, have dinner, go to a movie, or whatever is your idea of a good time, just do it reasonably within your budget.. Have fun!!

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