Monday, November 29, 2010


There comes a time in all of our lives in which we have to learn new things, to change our ways, to improve upon ourselves. Whether it is because of a choice, a decision, or something totally out of our control it happens. It may or may not be something that drastically changes who we are or even something that changes our way of life. 

For me and my family the time for change has come. As of 7/15/2010 we went from being a 2 income $80,000 a year household to a 1 income barely meeting the bills household. It was not by design or even by choice that our life took this direction but by stupidity on my part. Getting fired from what I consider to be one of the best jobs/careers I have held in years all because of a stupid statement between friends(a story all in itself). But it has been an eye opener and possibly one of the better things to happen to us, because it made us aware that we were trying to keep up with the Joneses, we were trying to keep up the appearance that we could do as we pleased.

Had we have been smart over the  3 1/2 years I was at my job and we were bringing in more than ever before we would have saved, we would have taken the opportunity afforded to us and would have built an emergency fund and a fall back plan of 3-6 months of expenses for use during times like we are facing now. BUT we did not, we just did as a majority of all Americans have done and still continue to do: We spent like there is no tomorrow. Instead of smart grocery shopping and eating at home, we ate out 4,5, sometimes 6 or even 7 times a week or more. We looked at our budget and saw there was money there that we could put in the bank, instead we decided we "needed" a new flat panel LCD television. When I wrecked my truck, I got a nice big check, did I take that money and buy a new vehicle within reason? spending only what the insurance paid on my old vehicle.. No. I went out and purchased a bright, shiny $24,000 truck with nice big monthly payments... Now what am I doing, STRUGGLING with all the nice bills we racked up during our time of excess, not success, excess because we really did not need all these things.

Why am I telling you, complete strangers, this? I hope that my story and the learning process that I am going through and have gone through over the last few months will give you pause. Will give you a reason to reassess whether you need that shiny new expensive thing, or whether you would be better off to add another 5% to your savings. And if you are out of work and in my shoes maybe I can show you some new tricks to help you out, help you save a few bucks here and there.

Over the next few posts, I am going to lay out the steps we have taken to try and get in line, to get in order and manage to survive while I have spent the last 5 months searching for a new job in one of the worst job markets I have seen in many years. I have recommended reading for you, whether christian or not it is reading that should help you to turn your situation in your favor. For tonight that is all I have to say.

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